Friday, March 6, 2020

10 English Collocations with Say ?? - Learn English with Harry

10 English Collocations with Say ?? - Learn English with Harry Today, Im talking to you about English collocations and in particular 10 English collocations with Say.So there are lots and lots of these collocations to go through and Ill try and give you some helpful examples. 10 Collocations with Say So the first one is:say somethingSomebody is sitting there and theyre silent, perhaps in a class and the teacher says:Say something! Or if youve just heard some bad news and the persons waiting for a reaction, they are very quiet. They say:Please just say something.So say something and then the opposite of that:say nothingIf you dont want to get into trouble with your parents, say nothing.  If somebody insults you or says something bad, say nothing. Dont respond.This is what my parents always used to tell me never work cause I always got into trouble. But they always used to tell me, say nothing.So say something and then the opposite say nothing.Or indeed you can say anything or have you anything to say so you can turn them around.When youre preparing, for example, an English exam, its not about what you say, its about how you see it.So your teacher might say:Do you want to say anything? Say, talk about your family or talk about your job. Say anything. And of course we can all always  say sorrySo when somebody does something or one of your children does something, you always tell them:Say sorry, theyll understand.So if you hit your brother by accident or you take something from your sister or you dont share the sweets.Say sorry as if you mean it. Thats what I always hear. Theres no point saying oh, sorry. Im sorry.say a wordWe usually use this in the negative. Dont say a word.So somebody says:I dont want to hear it. I know what happened. I shouldnt have backed the car out onto the street without looking. So I know it was my fault. Dont say a word. Im already upset. 10 English Collocations with Say say for sureSo we, again, we might use this in the negative.I cant say for sure and we use it also I cant say for certain. That is very, very similar.So are you going to join us for dinner on Friday?I cant say for sure at the moment because Im waiting to hear from my brother. I cant say for certain, but hes got to ring back because I just dont know with him. So theyve got really the the same meaning cant say for certain and I cant say for sure.And then we also have tosay hello or say goodbyeSo these are greetings that we use. The parents might tell their children when theyre bringing them up or theyre trying to instruct them about good manners.When you go to the house, say hello. If somebody says something to you, say hello. And when youre leaving, please say goodbye. Remember your manners, please say goodbye. say thank youSo when you get something, thank you.And when you want somethingsay pleaseSo these are all instructions that we give our children.Say please, say thank you. Say He llo and say Goodbye.And of course we cansay yes and we can say noSo these are just very simple.Say Hello. Say Goodbye. Say Yes. Say No. Say please. And say thank you. So weve got all of these 10 English collocations with say. Let me just run through them with you again just one more time:say somethingsay nothingsay anythingsay sorrydont say a word or I never say a wordsay for suresay for certainsay Goodbyesay Hellosay thank yousay pleasesay yes and say noSo as always, join me on my YouTube channel Learn English with Harry and visit me at and Ill catch up with you again soon.

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